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Meat Patch

Meat Patch

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A Wearable 'Meat Patch' Is Here to Curb Your Cravings for Bacon.

The product was developed by a vegan food company hoping to change people's eating habits. 

Oxford professor Charles Spence heads up the prestigious university's Crossmodal Research Laboratory, where he studies the way our five senses interact, and how that can affect the way our brains process sensory information. One of his early research papers, which was published in the Journal of Sensory Studies, determined that the sound of a Pringles potato chip crunching in our mouths can influence whether or not we think the chip is from a newly opened can or not. (The louder that crunch, the fresher the chip seems, and vice-versa.)

Some of his other studies have examined whether music can affect how sweet or how bitter a piece of chocolate tastes (apparently it can), how the shape of a glass can change the way that beer tastes, and whether bacon and egg ice cream tasted "more bacony" when it was served to the sound of sizzling bacon.

Spence's CV seems to have made him an obvious resource when a plant-based food company wanted to develop a wearable patch that could help carnivorous eaters curb their cravings for meat products.

The Telegraph reports that Spence worked with Irish startup Strong Roots on its "meat patch," which emits the smell of bacon every time you scratch it. (Yes, just like those stickers you used to put on the front of your school notebooks.) "Studies have shown that scent can reduce food cravings," Spence said in a statement. “Our sense of smell is strongly connected to our ability to taste therefore experiencing food related cues such as smelling a bacon aroma, can lead us to imagine the act of eating that food. Imagine eating enough bacon and you might find yourself sated."

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